Kay Corleone's abortion: Analysis of a scene from 'The Godfather' Part 2
Francis Ford Coppola's 'The Godfather' Part 2
The themes of Michael’s half of this sequel are death, extinction, suicide, murder; unlike the 1st film, life does not complement death. First, Hyman Roth tried to have him killed and now, in this scene in which his wife, Kay, threatens to take their children and leave him and he finds out the truth about her miscarriage. She had an abortion, she murdered his son! Her intentions for doing so are explicit; she wants to extinguish the Corleone Family. She is upset at the hypocrisy she sees in Michael at how he wiggled his way out of being prosecuted by flying in an alibi from Sicily. It isn’t a coincidence that Mama Corleone dies in this film. She was the last family connection to the homeland. Kay represents America hypocrisy, blind to its own evils yet critical of the evils committed by others. In her world and her courts, she would have succeeded in depriving Michael of his children. However, in Michael’s world, he keeps the kids and kicks her out. From this point in the film, Kay is an outcast and not allowed to see her children although soft-hearted Connie did manage to allow Kay access when Michael wasn’t around.
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