The ending to '2001: A Space Odyssey' fully explained!

This is a complete explanation of the ending of 2001: A Space Odyssey

Dave Bowman completes his journey through the Stargate and his space pod ends up in a room full of light and antique furniture. He looks out the window of the pod and sees an older, future version of himself. This Dave sees another future version of himself sitting at a desk. Dave stands up from the desk to look around and sees another future and even older version of himself eating at a table.

This Dave accidentally knocks a glass to the floor.  He looks over his shoulder and sees himself in the future on his death-bed. This final version of Dave sees the black monolith at the foot of his bed. In the blink of an eye, Dave transforms into a fetus inside of a clear glowing egg. Next, the egg containing Dave’s fetus hovers in space beside a planet that looks like Earth.


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